Finishing a Quilt - the key to unlock the completion of a quilt

Before we start this journey,

I need to state a couple of facts.

I am NOT a details person.

Details and focusing on everything creates insecurity and neediness,

Which results in quilts not getting done.

The strange thing is that the quilts that I create are very detailed.

I love to hand stitch and appliqué everything.

But that’s not what I focus on.

I focus on the creativity of the end result,

I focus on the story that comes with each quilt regardless if I have created it myself or followed a pattern.

I focus on the love and attention that I put into everything that I do.

I DO NOT focus on the detail.

I let the details, the fine mundane and boring, sometimes tedious cutting out and stitching become a kind of meditation for me. I go somewhere else in my head and let my imagination take over.

I do not focus on the time it takes or put myself under any kind of pressure.

3 years comes and goes so quickly and with it a beautiful creation that is filled with love and healing properties. There is such freedom in finishing a quilt off and getting ready for the next journey.

Yes, there is a lot of detail and precise bits when it comes to patchwork.

I don’t focus on this, at all.

When I do, my creativity and quilting mojo stops. It’s the best indicator for me.

What am I focusing on?

If i’m not quilting, then it is most likely that I am bogged down by the details or some internal pressure that isn’t even real. An illusion.

With my awareness I acknowledge this, lovingly give myself the attention that I require and get back on track.

I start my quilts with a create joy and love the creativity of choosing colours and imagining how the quilt is going to look or how I am going to alter it to suit my needs.

I cut and glue and sew and enter the land of fine detail with no care in the world. I let it happen and bask in all the time I get to spend with myself and my thoughts. I’ve gotten to know myself very well over the years.

My negative thoughts have become less and less. I attribute this to quilting. My awareness of myself is like no other. I gained this gift by taking advantage of being me in a detailed world where I do not belong.

Half way through the quilt, which could be years…. I take a break and start another quilt to get the creative juices flowing again. This helps me to get excited again and the excitement of a new quilt helps to tow along the enjoyment of the one quilt that I’ve been working on for so long.

Three quarters down and I’m excited for the completion of the quilt. I can see the creativity coming out, I can feel the love and healing that has taken place and has been put into the quilt.

My heart begins to sing.

That is an indicator that I am out of the shadow of the valley of detail.

There is a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel.

I am all the better for the journey.

I am a better person.

My ancestors rejoice for another stitched creative project being completed.

It’s in my blood. My DNA.


I just got carried away there. In my mind, I just finished a quilt.

I best get back to the one that is sitting on the kitchen table.

I’m three quarters the way through this one.

I can’t take a picture because it is a Block of the Month (BOM) that can not be shown on social media until May 2019. Come back then and I’ll post it’s journey with me.